Videos really are nowadays trend. No matter what the industry or the purpose is, when it comes to communication, videos are the best way to spread the news. Video is the only known media that interacts with the viewer in so many ways – music, sounds, speech, text, story, picture, effects, etc.
It is not a mystery why since the 60s the marketing experts all over the world use TV commercials as the best and the fastest way to reach the targeted audience. They use it today and for sure will use the videos in the future, because there is no other format that can tell that much in such a short time.
Today almost everybody has a smart device in the pocket. We do not need TVs anymore to watch video. With the internet there is no limitation in location either. The video trend continues to grow and will grow even more in the future. The simple answer to that is that the first internet users and YouTube viewers are today’s parents.

Have you met a mother who doesn’t use YouTube for babysitting assistant or doesn’t play videos to her child as a bait to put as much and as fast as possible, food in the baby’s mouth.
Here are some interesting facts about videos and YouTube as a major player for providing videos in the net:
- The total number of people who use YouTube – 1,300,000,000
- 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
- Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day
- YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day
- In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year-olds watch YouTube (Source - http://www.businessofapps.com/data/youtube-statistics/#1)
8 out of 10 people between 18-49 years watch videos on YouTube?
I am sure you can imagine, because it is visible in the real life. We all see it and we all do it. We do it for fun, or to learn or to teach.
So what is the connection with the schools and their promotion?
Everything above explains the connection! A good professional video is a must for a school promotion especially when it comes to Primary schools. Here are the top 6 reasons:
School promotional video will present the school facilities in the best way for a short time
School video will present the real atmosphere in the school, because it shows real pupils in their real environment, teachers and the school staff in action, teaching, talking, coaching.
School promotional video is available 24/7 on internet and reachable from any device.
The video becomes viral by other users and works alone for your advertising purposes. Teachers, parents, ex pupils will share it with pride in their social media accounts.
The video helps your school website to be better recognized by the search engines and is a great digital marketing tool.
The parents of the young children going to Primary schools are actually the generation that accepts technologies as normal everyday life. Remember the statistics that 8 out of 10 people between 18 and 49 years watch YouTube? Communicating through a good promotional video will actually mean that you speak their language, you respect them and their time!
Making a working school promotional video is not an easy task and requires hiring a professional.

Nice To Film You team provides professional video services and when it comes to school promotional video we put all our energy and knowledge to produce a quality and working product every step of the way. Actually the videography is the final part of the whole process.
So how it works:
We come on site to see the facilities and meet the staff
We discuss your targets, ideas and plans.
We take those things in mind and together we make a plan of the video and the shooting process
We consider the time frames and the schedule of the school when planning. We know the school life is special has its own rythm
We plan the characters who will participate in the video – staff and children. We know some kids are special and can’t be filmed
We create the story board for you
We help the staff and the children while shooting. We know some people are scared by cameras. Working with us you will be supported and directed. We will make this day a great fun, that is our promise.
We will use drone to film the school from the air, because we have a drone pilot with PFCO permission for commercial flights from the CAA in our team
We will edit the video professionally
We will give you all the footage for future edits, videos or to use it for social media
Usually the whole filming process takes a few days, as well as the editing. But don’t worry we can speed up the things a little if this will fit your schedule and plan.
We at Nice To Film You will be happy to work on your School Promotional video. You can expect nothing less than videography, professionalism and understanding.
We cover the area of Merseyside, Cheshire and Lancashire. Contact us for a free consultation or estimation.
Check out a reference we received recently from one of our clients from Liverpool.
Here are the videos we produced for Our Lady of Good Help, Catholic Primary School in Liverpool: